Tips To Teach Your Liverpool Preschool Kids About Emergency Calls
Although no one wants to be in an emergency, especially with kids, it’s good to be equipped. Teaching your child what actions to take in emergencies can save lives. However, the best preschool in Liverpool suggests approaching this topic sensitively. Otherwise, it can make kids feel anxious and stressed.
So, keep reading the following section and learn some fun yet effective ways to teach kids about emergency calls.
Teaching Liverpool Preschool Children About Emergency Calls In Liverpool, NSW
Even if your child has not adequately developed communication skills yet, their ability to dial 000 can trigger a response from the officials. You can start teaching your little one about dangers and emergency lines at a very young age. You can begin by pointing to emergency vehicles, like police cars or ambulances.
Speak to them about what the vehicle operators do and how they help people, and suggest the preschool near you. Help your youngster become as familiar with emergency services as possible.
1. Teach Them To Identify An Emergency
If your youngster does not understand what an emergency is, none of this will make sense to them. Hence, first, explain the term to them. Discuss the different types of crises and how it requires taking action quickly and efficiently.
You can give them examples of crimes, accidents, injuries and illnesses. Then, describe which type of emergency service one will need in each scenario.
2. Help Them Learn To Use A Phone
Whether you have a landline or a smartphone, use it to show your child how to dial 000 and press the call button. Teach them how to do this even when the phone has a lock. Assure the little one knows they should only dial this number in an emergency. The top preschool in Liverpool suggests using role play or board games to explain the steps better.
3. Help Them Memorise The Number
Triple zero may be familiar to you but not to your child. So, to avoid confusion, start the teaching with ‘zero zero zero’. You can find a lot of great songs and other resources online to help children memorise emergency numbers. Also, you can relate this situation to an emergency that occurred in your kids’ favourite book or TV show.
4. Teach Them Your Contact Details
In addition to the national emergency number, try teaching your child your address and contact number. It is valuable information that will not just help you but your kid in case they get lost or into an accident.
Hence, ask your kid where you live and your contact number every day. Also, ensure your child knows they should give out this information only in emergencies.
5. Role Play
Role-play and board games are the best ways to teach young kids about many things, including emergencies. Hence, take turns to play out fake emergency scenarios and help your child memorise all of them. Remind them to speak clearly and loudly during emergency calls.
Final Thoughts
Besides following these steps, you can also ask your kid’s preschool in Liverpool to perform these activities at their institute. Making it a group activity will make it much more effortless for your child to learn. Furthermore, remember to keep the role-plays light and fun and give the kid enough time to learn.
Author Bio- The Author is a preschool teacher in Liverpool with around a decade of experience. She loves to spend time with kids and help them expand their knowledge and capabilities.